Evil Genius | Pizza Bomber Brian Wells Death Died Of Bomb

Posted by Patria Henriques on Sunday, June 2, 2024

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A real crime documentary series called Evil Genius is based on the passing of Brian Wells. Discover the heist scheme that resulted in the death of a pizza delivery man by reading on.

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Diehl-Armstrong staged a single robbery in order to steal $250,000, and Brian Wells was the target.

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According to the inquiry, Diehl-Armstrong was responsible for planning the robbery along with Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong and Kenneth Barnes.

They have been accused of murder, and according to the court document, Diehl-Armstrong, the robbery’s mastermind, had mental health issues.

Diehl-Armstrong killed her partner six times, blaming it on self-defense, and her family also passed away under unreported circumstances.

The case sparked curiosity across the globe, and a documentary about the incident was released in 2018. Continue reading to learn more about the delivery boy’s passing.

Pizza Bomber Brian Wells, an evil genius, was killed by a collar bomb.

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Pizza Bomber is the case of Brain Wells, a 46-year-old pizza delivery worker who entered a bank with a shotgun. He remained silent. He just presented a note to the teller requesting $250,000 in cash.

Wells was wearing a collar bomb around his neck, and the teller gave him a note warning that it would detonate if he did not get his way.

The cashier at the bank handed him the $8,000, but he didn’t look at his bag or at his brother to inquire about the cash.

The delivery kid picked up the bag and left the pack, but he was stopped by police before he could get it to the planer.

Wells bowed down and asked Police for assistance as he explained to them how he had taken part in this heist. He pleaded with them to let him go, but they refused.

His wearable technology started to beep louder and quicker, warning him that his time was running out. Police tried to assist him while they were surrounding him, but the explosive detonated.

He was surrounded by cameras, the explanation could be seen in the news clip, and many people were streaming live. On several platforms, the video became very popular.

Details about Brian Wells’s Death

Three of the individuals were involved in the crime, as was already mentioned.

The person who made it happen and desired to have $250,000 in cash was Marjorie Eleanor “Marge” Diehl-Armstrong. She required that cash to hire a hitman to murder her father.

Sputnik News reported that Diehl-Armstrong wanted to kill her father so she could inherit his property.

Two of Diehl-Armstrong’s friends, Kenneth Barnes and William Ansel “Bill” Rothstein, were active in helping her. Everyone who perished did so while incarcerated and serving time for their crimes.

At age 68, Diehl-Armstrong passed away in prison from breast cancer in April 2017. Similarly, in June 2019, Kenneth Barnes, who was incarcerated for fishing with the criminal mastermind, passed away from diabetes.

The friend in the murder case was given a handgun by Bill Rothstein, who later passed away on July 30, 2004, after being told that he had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Unfortunately, Wells had no family ties to any of them and had only been employed as a tool to obtain funds from the bank.

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